Adding Mikrotik Poller Access

The poller needs access to Mikrotik devices to build a full network topology and extract RF metrics.

Why does Preseem require access to Mikrotik devices?

  1. On Mikrotik APs, RF metrics collection requires API access. Basic topology and RF metrics collection also require SNMP access.
  2. Optionally, bridge table extraction requires SNMP access on Mikrotik routers. Preseem support will let you know if and how to configure this.

How do I configure Mikrotik SNMP access for APs?

SNMP is covered in this user guide:

How do I add Mikrotik API access for APs?

Because Preseem should already be configured for SNMP access, we’ll assume that there is ICMP/TCP reachability between the poller and your Mikrotik gear. We’ll need you to add API support to your existing configuration.

We recommend using automation to:
  • Enable a read-only group and user for Mikrotik, local (in this example) or RADIUS
    • /user group
      add name=read-api policy="read,api"
    • /user
      add comment="Read-only user for Preseem" group=read-api name=preseem-ro 
  • Set the password for the new user you've created. This can be unique per device or global; you'll need to transfer users and passwords to Preseem support later.
  • Enable access to the API (SSL preferred) using the service ACL
    • /ip/service set api disabled=no
    •  or for SSL:/ip/service set api-ssl disabled=no

  • Lock down access to the API using local firewall rules if not centrally managed
    • /ip/firewall/filter add action=accept chain=input comment="Allow Preseem API access" dst-address=<device management IP> src-address=<Preseem poller IP> dst-port=8728,8729 protocol=tcp
    • /ip/firewall/filter add action=drop chain=input comment="Disallow API access from others" dst-port=8728,8729 protocol=tcp

Notify Preseem Support

  1. Notify Preseem support, who will receive from you the credentials you've created and configure the Preseem configuration appropriately.
  2. Once credentials are provisioned for your poller, any API-related errors should go away in the UI, and you should begin to see AP Capacity scores appear for Mikrotik APs over the next 24 to 72 hours.
  3. If errors do not resolve, or scores do not meet your expectations, please contact Preseem support.